The time for Facebook and Instagram has definitely come
By Daniel Stöcklin
The pandemic has taught us a few things. If we have to do without physical proximity, we seek it digitally and via social media. The use of social media has also become indispensable for the catering and hotel industry, especially in times of the Corona pandemic. On Facebook and Instagram, the missed connection to guests can be restored. But what’s the best way to do that?
Slowly but surely, we have had enough of the coronavirus. That’s not just how you and I feel at the moment, but many people around the world, as the WHO points out. But neglecting to take action is not the solution, as this will encourage further spread of the virus and make the long-term consequences even harder to assess. We are all suffering from this… However, one important branch of the Swiss economy is suffering in particular: sales in the catering and hotel industry slumped by half in the second quarter of 2020 and even today sales are below the previous year (Prognolite market report). In addition, with the lockdown in the spring and the continuing restrictions, the catering industry is being cut off from its customers. It doesn’t have to be that way.
The use of social media has increased dramatically since March (Bitkom report). Since people have been less able or willing to donate physical proximity following the outbreak of the pandemic, proximity via digital media such as Facebook, Instagram and Co. has greatly increased in importance. However, this can be observed not only in the personal environment, but also in the business environment.
There is a lot of potential for the restaurant industry in the use of social media. Everyone is interested in finding out how their favorite restaurant is doing since the lockdown, when it is open and what offers are available. After all, food and culinary delights are important components of Swiss culture. With just a few clicks, guests can be informed about opening hours, for example. But not only that! Food pictures belong in every guest feed, as do video tours and tips on how to cook.
Examples from our community prove that communication of sustainable engagement is especially in demand. Here are some best practices from Hotel Hauser, Generationenhaus Neubad and Restaurant Brücke.
1. Hotel Hauser shows its guests how surplus milk is used on farms as food for calves.
Auch wir schliessen aus bekannten Gründen bis auf Weiteres.
In unserem Lager haben wir vor allem noch Milchprodukte,…Gepostet von Hauser St.Moritz amDienstag, 17. März 2020
2. The Generationenhaus Neubad provides information about delivery services in the neighborhood to tap into food reserves and attract new customers.

3. The Brücke restaurant shares news from the food truck, which has been used since the lockdown to recycle food reserves, sell dishes, and engage in personal interaction.
Liebe Leute – wir hatten trotz Corona-Krise eine so tolle Woche vor unserem Restaurant.
Unser Angebot welches wir in…Gepostet von Restaurant Brücke amFreitag, 27. März 2020
How do you use social media? Write it in the comments or send an email to info@foodways.ch